Tips For Shopping Estate Sales

This past week most of our posts were geared toward the owners / estate executors. This week lets talk about shopping Estate Sales!

Let's face it shopping Estate Sales is fun..... or at least we think it should be!

So what tips do we have for our shoppers? 

1. Don't be in a hurry - most sales have so many items it is hard to see them all the first walk thru. When you arrive at a sale maybe take a quick walk thru to get a lay of the sale or to locate a specific item you may have seen pictured. Then slow down and take another walk thru. It's on that second walk thru you may find that hidden treasure!

2. Bring a Bag - bring a bag you can put your finds in as you walk thru the sale so that your hands are free to dig thru bins and look closer at items of interest (other estate sale companies may not allow bags so check before you shop). We do offer a holding table but for small items sometimes having a bag is more convenient. 

3. Pay With Cash - in order to get the best deal prepare ahead by stopping at the ATM. We accept Credit Cards but there is an additional 3.5% fee. This really does not add up to much but you do save money by paying with cash. 

4. Be Kind & Courteous - remember this is someone's home. Be kind and try to treat it as you would want your home to be treated. 

5. Have Fun! - Most importantly have fun! Bring a friend. Make a day of it. Have fun!

Have a tip we may have missed? Let us know!